Monthly Archives: March 2015

Jesus is Lord

Hirsch says that “the heart of it all,” the foundation of our faith and life, is that Jesus is Lord. This reality affects everything else. I’ve been thinking a lot about unifying our lives and I appreciate how Hirsch talks about this. He says, “There is no such thing as sacred and secular in a biblical worldview. It can conceive of no part of the world that does not come under the claim of Yahweh’s lordship. All of life belongs to God…”

Do you ever find it hard not to compartmentalize your life? I think we have all been trained to do this in certain ways, and our youth and children are learning this practice from us. God is interested in and at work in all parts of life. In the Gospels we see Jesus talking to, eating with, and hanging out with people that are living very different lifestyles in a variety of places. Who do you hang out with? Where do you hang out with them?

I am guilty of being too busy doing “important sacred things” to notice how God is already at work in my everyday life and in the lives of people in every place I go. I appreciate Hirsch’s encouragement to spend more time reading and reflecting on the Gospels on a regular basis in order to understand how to speak, act, and lead others into missional engagement with the world. What is Jesus brewing within, amongst, and around you?